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Insolvency Update #35 | March 2022

Workloads are definitely on the up and official figures show that corporate insolvencies in February doubled compared to February 2021.  Most IPs that we deal with seem to be much busier than they were six months ago.  There is however a cloud on the horizon in the guise of the Court Service’s ability to cope with workloads.   For our latest Insolvency Update, click here: AMB Update (35) Mar...

Insolvency Update #34 | January 2022

Pace the hiccough caused by the Omicron variant (why is it not the Epsilon variant?), things seem to be slowly starting to return to normal. We have seen work picking up on all fronts with more transactional cases in the past eight weeks than we saw in the whole of the rest of 2021. For our latest Insolvency Update, click here: AMB Update (34) Jan...

Bulletin | Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill 2021

The government threatened to impose a compulsory arbitration process on landlords and tenants who could not agree on a tenant’s unpaid arrears of rent arising during the panademic. A bill has just been introdcued to Parliament - for AMB Law’s bulletin on the subject, click here: Bulletin - Commercial Rent...

Bulletin | Business Bounceback Loans and Directors’ Liability

Following 18 months of stagnation, the insolvency process is starting to wake up.  The Insolvency Service is starting to investigate the affairs and management of a large number of insolvent companies focussing on the abuse of the various government bail-out schemes. Directors may find themselves being disqualified or made personally liable for company debt.  Click: Bulletin - Business Bounceback Loans and...

Insolvency Update #33 | October 2021

At long last, the prohibition on winders has been knocked on the head and creditors have not been slow in getting back in the saddle.  This long overdue move signals the beginning of a return to normality although, given the new three week grace period, we are not yet clear on the numbers of petitions being prepared. To view our latest Insolvency Update click this link: AMB Update (33) Oct...