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AMB Law Insolvency Update #39 | May 2024

We are pleased to present our 39th Insolvency Update.  This comes at a time when we have seen a marked increase in insolvencies and restructurings in a number of sectors including online services, restaurants, high-end fashion and law firms (which seem to be going down like ninepins). For a précis of the latest case law, click here: AMB Update (39) May...

Insolvency Update #33 | October 2021

At long last, the prohibition on winders has been knocked on the head and creditors have not been slow in getting back in the saddle.  This long overdue move signals the beginning of a return to normality although, given the new three week grace period, we are not yet clear on the numbers of petitions being prepared. To view our latest Insolvency Update click this link: AMB Update (33) Oct...

Insolvency Update #32 | August 2021

We are not sure what to say about the market at present.  Apart from one or two obvious exceptions to the rule, our perspective is that the mid-market of our profession remains squarely in the doldrums with utilisation rates and new instructions and enquiries at an all-time low.   To view our latest Insolvency Update, Click this link : AMB Update (32) August...

Insolvency Update #30 | January 2021

There is no doubt that work levels and enquiries from distressed businesses are picking up slowly – the profession seems to be busier than it was at the time of our previous Insolvency Update but the Tsunami has yet to hit the shore. Click Here to read our latest Insolvency...